ESRS IRO Management

 Impact, Risk & Opportunity Management Solution supporting Implementation of the
European Sustainability Reporting Standards

Double materiality assessment, Gap analysis, Policies, Actions, and Targets in line with ESRS

 Easy to get started - Pre-made matrices and build-in guidance

Step by step to ESRS Implementation & Disclosure

1. Double Materiality
Supporting the process to identify material ESG issues. Easy-to-use pre-made matrices to assess and manage sustainability matters covered in the topical ESRS standards.

2. Gap-Analysis
Pre-made ESRS Gap analysis matrices, to assess existing sustainability processes like policies, actions, and targets, and identify potential gaps or areas for improvement.
3. Policies
Review, update, and develop sustainability policies to manage IRO, aligned with ESRS 2. Obtain a comprehensive overview and ensure effective audit and disclosure.

4.  Actions
Develop specific action plans to manage material impacts, risks, opportunities, and updated sustainability policies. Assign responsibilities and set deadlines to ensure progress. 

5. Targets 
Comply with ESRS requirements by disclosing targets for all material impacts, risks, and opportunities. Connect actions to targets to ensure the organisation stays on track with its goals.

Our future-focused clients and partners

News about BravoEarth

by Vilborg Einarsdóttir 24 March 2022
Það er mikill heiður fyrir okkur í BravoEarth að vera valin úr fjölda metnaðarfullra verkefna og vera í hópi þeirra frumkvöðla sem fá nýsköpunarstyrk hjá Íslandsbanka. Markmið okkar verkefnisins er að a uðvelda fyrirtækjum að meta, bregðast við og stjórna loftlagstengdri áhættu og tækifærum út frá leiðbeiningum TCFD m eð því að hanna nýjungar í vefkerfið BravoEarth sem inniheldur matsform fyrir áhættu- og tækifærisgreiningu og leiðbeiningar fyrir innleiðingu á ferlum og skýrslugerð. Við þökkum Íslandsbanka traustið og hlökkum til að takast á við þetta spennandi verkefni.
by Vilborg Einarsdóttir 24 March 2022
AGR býður upp á innkaupa og birgðastýringalausnir sem hjálpa heildsölum og smásölum að lámarka sóun í aðfangakeðjunni. Áhersla AGR er á að hjálpa til við að lágmarka sóun á fjármunum vegna óþarfa umframbirgða, sóun á sölu tækifærum með því að hafa ekki réttar birgðir tiltækar fyrir viðskiptavini, sóun á tíma með því hafa mikilvæga starfsmenn vinna sífelt endurtekin verkefni og síðast en ekki síst að lágmarka sóun á kolefnisfótspori með óþarfa notkun á flutningum. Það er gaman að segja frá því að þetta flotta fyrirtæki ákvað að velja BravoEarth til að styðja við sína sjálfbærnistefnu og undirbúa birtingu sjálfbærniskýrslu. Við bjóðum AGR Dynamics velkomin í hópinn.
by Vilborg Einarsdóttir 9 September 2021
Established in 1913, Ölgerðin is one of Iceland’s oldest companies – and one of the largest. Their aim is to be a leader among Icelandic companies in the field of sustainability and meet the modern needs of their customers and consumers without detracting from the possibility of future generations to meet their needs. Ölgerðin decided to use BravoEarth as a solution to support them in focusing on climate related risks and opportunities based on the framework from TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures ).
by Vilborg Einarsdóttir 27 May 2021
Íslandsbanki ( has started a pilot project with BravoEarth.The aim of Íslandsbanki’s Sustainability Policy is to embed the Policy's principles and practices into the day to day operations of the Bank and to foster a culture of sustainability that will have a positive impact on society. Islandsbanki will manage their Sustainability Policy in BravoEarth where they can easily keep track of their objectives and assignments. We look forward to working with Íslandsbanki on this important assignment.
by Mats Rosenkvist 29 March 2021
During Q1 2021 BravoEarth has started operations in Sweden. The co-creator of BravoEarth, Mats Rosenkvist - the founder of BRAVOLesson for education, is setting up the organisation while starting sales. - We have established close discussions with companies on the list with the 100-biggest companies in Sweden and with environmental consultants. We expect to be able to announce our first sales shortly, says Mats Rosenkvist.
by Petur Petursson 14 March 2021
Promote Iceland started the BravoEarth system in November 2020. They are now completing Step 2 in Green Steps. The future is to set a formal environmental and climate policy and we at BravoEarth will follow them in that project under the guidance of Dr. Snjólaugar Ólafsdóttir at EY. All goals and tasks will be entered into the BravoEarth system. "The BravoEarth web system is an excellent tool when it comes to defining, managing and following the environmental work. We use the environmental management system to keep track of all the steps in the Green Steps, actions in each step, the status and progress of actions. This gives us a good overview of the project and keeps us well on topic. The system is simple to use and the interface is very convenient. Numerous features are built into the system, including observation grids, checklists and reports, all of which have enabled us to implement the first steps of Green Steps almost seamlessly and make it so much more fun. " Birta Kristín Helgadóttir, project manager at Promote Iceland.
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